Thursday, January 31, 2008

"We're Connected To Every Other Human Being"

My true love, besides my husband of course, is genealogy. Tonight as I sat at my desk, excitingly working on a friend's family tree, I received an email from Whitney from, Inc. She asked me to place a YouTube video on my blog in anticipation of their upcoming launch of their World Collection, "which contains more than 1.5 billion records from 35 different countries". So I checked out the link that Whitney sent to me:

My work is never done, and for that, I am so very grateful.


pamwax said...

Thank you for all your help. You are a whiz and a wonderful friend.

Jeannie said...

I am honored to help and most fortunate to have a friend like you.

tricia said...

Tricia here,

Trying to start on my dad's side of the family. They were so secretive that my dad knew little about them but I'm trying to get him to write down everything he remembers. Most info I got from a great aunt years ago has hit dead ends. Any hints on where to start or look for info?

Jeannie said...

Hi Tricia,

I think you're off to a good start by having your dad write down what he knows.

Do you know what state your family is from? I do free research if you are interested in any help.

tricia said...

I think Texas for grandfather and New York for grandmother. It's really weird - they didn't tell my dad much and they moved around lots (no lie - grandmother said the mob tried to kill her LOL!! Stray bullet hit house when in NY but had nothing to do with mob. Her sister told me the story and I about dropped my teeth. You can choose you friends but not your family.) I do know they lived in CA for a while and there are a few relatives there. My mom is getting me that info this week so I can contact them. Dad doesn't want to write down anything - sounds like bad memories but one of my nephews said he would help him so that gives him a project.

Jeannie said...

Although I do genealogy work that pertains to all 50 states, my specialty areas are California, Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio and Texas.

If you think I can help you out, you can email me directly with your family information. Just click "view my complete profile" on the blog, and then the email link. Or you can contact me through my profile at Webjam. :D